Wednesday, July 24, 2013

SEO Analyst: Profession of the Future or Present?

The professional market connected to the Internet experiences a period of opportunity. Factors such as the popularization of network access and increased purchasing power caused a huge portion of the population spent using the Internet in recent years.

In sectors where growth is more generous, always comes the challenge of finding the most qualified professionals for positions. With the digital segment is no different. And one of the professions that the market has gone over internet looking for is Search Engine Optimization Analyst.

With the growth of internet in the country, also grows the need to hire specialized manpower to leverage the positioning of websites in search results. Expert in the techniques of optimization, SEO Analyst is also a key part within the digital marketing strategy of the brand, and there are places available in companies and specialized agencies just waiting for a qualified professional to fill.

So invite some SEO analysts and entrepreneurs in the digital market to find out which features are most valued by the market. How do they do to keep us updated and seeking professionals who are hiring? Besides the requirement of technical knowledge, some other requirements may make the difference for those seeking to become an SEO Analyst.

Today I will talk about SEO Analyst, who along with Social Media Analyst, are the professions most commented at the time.

The Analyst SEO (Search Engine Optimization) works with the improvement of sites for it to reach a great placement in the search engines (without advertising) by enhancing the meta-tags and even for a general overhaul of the site.

Who is interested in this area, companies hire those who know HTML and CSS, has a great essay, known as Web 2.0, social media, tableless, Google Analytics and English. There is a degree specific to this profession, companies hire even who has only a high school education, but give preference to who attends / attended Marketing or any area of Information Technology.

The job offers are scattered by medium-sized and large companies, developing web sites and there is the interesting possibility of working with consulting, because in most cases you do not need a large staff to make changes to a website.

The market is eager for professionals with qualifications for area but not find them. The trick is not to take to begin studies in the area, the greater the delay, the higher the competition.

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